Results of the elections in the regional sections

The elections for the new regional group management ended on the night of June 4. Many thanks to all those who voted and, of course, to our candidates!

Unfortunately, the voter turnout was low; we have been better in the past. Nevertheless, all the new leaders are delighted to have been confirmed in office by you. There were no changes at all in some regional groups, while new personalities have joined other management teams.

Here are the election results:

(Percentage of votes cast in brackets)

Berlin: Peter Weinsheimer (42 %), Roman Rehausen (33 %), Theodor Przybilla (25 %)
Köln: Christoph Hilser (53 %), Ray Zuber (47 %)
München: Robert Wiesner (54 %), Andreas Ziegler (46 %)
Hamburg: Andrew Levine (78 %), Holger Jansen (22 %)
Frankfurt: Niels Reckziegel (59 %), Sebastian Müller (29 %), Johannes Heppenheimer (12 %)
Stuttgart: Max Kersten (100 %), Max Federhofer unterstützt das Team
Leipzig: Christian Birkner (73 %), Felix Wege (27 %)
Schweiz: Johannes Widmer (53 %), Wolfgang Müller (47 %)

In its meeting on June 7, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., the Election Committee determined that there were no irregularities in the documented election process and results.

Special thanks go to the long-serving members of management who stepped down with this election: Volker Knippenberg, Emanuel Hoisl from the Cologne RG, Gerhard Wölfle from the Munich RG, Malte Hildebrandt from the Hamburg RG, Dieter Fenchel and Joachim Haas from the Stuttgart RG and Michael Hösel from the Leipzig RG. You have organized great events for us over the years and were our local contacts. Some of you also shared responsibility for financial issues and policy decisions on the VDT's “Extended Board”. Thank you very much for that!

Die Regionalgruppen sind die wichtigen ersten Anlaufstellen im Verband, nah bei den Mitgliedern und voller spannender Aktivitäten. Alle fünf Jahre werden die Leitungsteams der Regionalgruppen neu gewählt und somit von der Mitgliedschaft in ihrer Region bestätigt.

More Information:

Overview of the regional groups (with links to the individual groups)

News about the regional group election