Current Elections of the heads of the Regional Group

Das Leitungsteam der Regionalgruppe Schweiz besteht aktuell aus Johannes Widmer und Wolfgang Müller. Dieses Team will die Gruppe gerne weiterhin führen. Alle beide treten für die aktuelle Wahl der Regionalgruppenleitungen wieder an; weitere Kandidierende haben sich nicht aufstellen lassen.

Johannes und Wolfgang freuen sich, durch eine rege Wahlbeteiligung von der Mitgliedschaft bestätigt zu werden. Die Wahl findet online statt. Einfach in MyVDT einloggen und wählen gehen! Die Wahl ist vom 6. Mai bis zum 3. Juni geöffnet.

Our Kandidates for the Regional Section

Johannes Widmer

Current head of the regional group

Wolfgang Müller

Current deputy of the regional group

Welcome to VDT Regional Section Switzerland

Switzerland is a traditionally liberal, pluralistic country with four official languages, a large, diverse and very active cultural scene and many regional characteristics, some of which are very special. The Swiss regional group of the VDT is therefore a special case within the VDT. Despite the fact that Switzerland now has a population of 9 million, our regional group is one of the VDT's smaller groups, with 67 members at present.

Our previous activities

What makes the Swiss regional group of the VDT special? Click here to go to our event archive, where you can get a nice overview of the activities of this group:

Previous activities

The majority of the colleagues who make up our regional group are based in the German-speaking Swiss cantons. So far, there are no VDT members from French-speaking Switzerland: En tout cas, vous êtes les bienvenus!

The densely populated metropolitan area of Zurich is Switzerland's media hub, but there are numerous high-profile private studios and private radio and TV stations throughout Switzerland, a very active theater, music and opera scene, as well as many companies in the live sound sector. With SRG-SSR, there is also a public service heavyweight in all language regions.

The activities of our regional group consist of two to three meetings a year in all regions of Switzerland, also in cooperation with other associations such as the AES. The regional group meetings in Switzerland are usually also easily accessible for colleagues from south-western Germany.

Upcoming Events

Show list

Die Förderfirmen in unserer Region

Many important companies in the industry have settled in our catchment area. We are working to gain more and more of them as sustaining members of the VDT.

The sustaining company members enrich the association at small and large events; they are an indispensable part of our VDT community.

The regional group management

Johannes Widmer

As regional group leader, he is responsible for the Swiss region.

Wolfgang Müller

He is the second leader of the Swiss regional group.

Contact via Email

The regional management team is looking forward to your emails!

Block 8

The regional management team is looking forward to your e-mails!

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