Benefits of VDT membership
Membership in the association has numerous advantages. It supports the formation of a solid, personal network in the entire industry, from which experience shows that not only professional suggestions, but also many projects and business ideas arise. For this purpose, the VDT offers numerous contact persons who are committed to good sound.
- Networking with audio experts from all fields in the entire German-speaking region and beyond.
- Regional contact persons in the regional groups
- Professional contact persons in the departments
- Participation in VDT projects such as our Campus Sessions or other Online-Events
In addition, VDT members enjoy a whole range of benefits.
- All issues of the VDT magazine
- Discounted participation in VDT events such as the Tonmeistertagung, online events or the ICSA
- Discounted participation in many events of our cooperation partners
- Discounted, profession-specific insurances
- In case of professional conflicts: Free initial legal advice from our association lawyer
- Newsletter with internal industry information
- Contact to our sponsoring companies
- Email-adress of one of the domains Email domains / .eu / .email, and
Who can become a member?
With a good 2,000 members, the VDT is the largest professional association in the German-speaking audio industry. In its 70 years of existence, it has always adapted to the changes in the industry and is now an open association with a diverse, colorful membership base. In addition to the artistically oriented sound engineers, who have often also completed specialized studies, the association also represents the field of technical sound engineering. Members work in the fields of sound carrier production, radio, film, television, multimedia, stage and the event industry, and are representatives of the media, the equipment industry, research, development and teaching.
Who can become a member? We gladly welcome those to our association who have specialized professionally in the professional audio industry and have made good sound their area of responsibility. There are many ways to get there, which is why we like to admit our members on the recommendation of two so-called guarantors. And if you don't know any guarantors? In that case, one of our volunteers from the executive board, regional group or unit management will inquire about the seriousness and professionalism of the candidate in a telephone call. This is the first personal connection to our community!