Gelebte Demokratie: Mitglieder für Wahlausschuss gesucht

In order to ensure that the Board election is conducted correctly, our Articles of Association provide for an election committee: “The Board of Directors shall appoint a three-member committee to conduct the vote, which shall be responsible for the proper conduct and documentation.” Our legal advisor, Tobias Könemann, is to be a member of the election committee in the usual manner. Our Managing Director Stefani Renner is usually also a member of the election committee, as she coordinates the handling of the elections. As a third assessor, we would like a member who does not belong to the inner circle of the Executive Board, volunteers and the office, but rather takes on a neutral observer role.

The time required includes at least one preparatory video conference of the election committee, a few emails and the monitoring of the results and their documentation. We look forward to receiving a short email to the office.

Further information on the Board election can be found here:

The board candidates (coming soon)

The candidacy phase

Preview of the board election 2025