Gelebte Demokratie: Mitglieder für Wahlausschuss gesucht

The election of the new board of directors is to be overseen by an election committee. Our election rules state: "To conduct the vote, the board shall appoint a three-member committee that shall be responsible for the proper conduct and documentation."
Since an online election can never be as immediately transparent as a vote in presence, the work of this committee is all the more important. In the proven manner, our advisor in legal matters, RA Tobias Könemann, will be a member of the election committee. As further assessors we would like to have members who do not belong to the narrower circle of the board, honorary officers and office, but who would like to support the VDT in this important process as neutral observers, perhaps even as a prelude to an honorary commitment.
The time required includes a preparatory video conference of the election committee as well as the counting of the election at the office in Cologne. Travel costs will of course be covered. We look forward to receiving a short .

You find more informationen about our board elections on our Elections Web Page.