19th August 2024
14:00 – 19:00

Treffen der Regionalgruppe Schweiz

After the successful last group meeting on the topic of "Immersive Audio" with around 60 participants in Lucerne, the Swiss group is meeting in Erlenbach this time. The meeting will be "summery", sociable and entertaining: It will start with a boat trip on Lake Zurich - then Urs Wihler will welcome the participants in the studios of "MySports" - and at the end, the social part will take place in Rapperswil.

The "MySports" studios will cover the National League games from the start of the season to the championship title. In addition to the most spectacular ice hockey league in the world, Urs Wihler also has a lot of technology to show (audio control rooms with mc2, edit suites and announcer booths).

Registration at:

14:00 Uhr Schifffahrt BAT3731 38 ab Zürich Bürkliplatz (See) nach Erlenbach
15:00 Uhr MySports Führung durch Urs Whiler (Seestrasse 78, 8703 Erlenbach)
16:15 Uhr Zugfahrt S6 Erlenbach nach Rapperswil
17:00 Uhr Radio Zürichsee Führung durch Matthias Kost und Mario Göldi (Bahnhofplatz 1, 8640 Rapperswil)