A tour of the Klangmanufaktur
Workshop tour of Oliver Greinus' grand piano workshop Klangmanufaktur, where old Steinway grand pianos are turned into high-quality concert grand pianos.
Workshop tour of Oliver Greinus' grand piano workshop Klangmanufaktur, where old Steinway grand pianos are turned into high-quality concert grand pianos.
Join us at the finals of the eighth Student's Competition in Ambisonics! Either on site with like-minded people (for example in Graz, Düsseldorf, Hamburg or Leipzig) and an immersive sound system, or online with binaural sound on the internet.
Casual listening session for spatial audio pieces, at the Audio lab of the University for Applied Sciences Hamburg.
In Kooperation mit der AES Student Section Hamburg und dem Referat Nachwuchs des VDT, laden wir euch am 2. August ab 16 Uhr zur Spatial Audio Listening Session (SALS) ein.
Das Referat Akustik lädt zu einem Workshop auf dem Campus der SAE Hannover mit anschliessendem, abendlichen Treffen der Regionalgruppe Hamburg ein.